Many of these young women have already contracted AIDS. If they are discovered, they are quickly sent back to Burma, where little treatment is available. Without immediate action on the part of Burmese authorities, AIDS will spread rapidly in Burma. Atiya Achakulwisut is a columnist for the Bangkok Post. One of the things we dont know is that in these war zones and in and around other US military bases today human trafficking aimed at the US service member market is big business. And despite what we may think or want to believe, it is happening in both the major theaters of war today and around US military bases in other parts of the world today. According to a spokesman for General Aidid, a committee of seven is charged with studying criteria for taking part in a conference of national reconciliation planned for mid-March in Addis Ababa, as well as the agenda for the conference. There are differences of opinion between Aidids National Alliance and other factions as to criteria for participation ibid. 22 January La Presse Montreal. 28 September 1993. Médecins sans frontières quitte la Somalie en critiquant le rôle de lONU. en Kafala, Tarik,, BBC News, 21 octobre 2009. TotalFinaElf is also being held responsible by prosecutors for an explosion at an industrial site near the southern French city of Toulouse a year ago. The explosion on September 21 last year killed 31 people and wounded more than 3,000. The explosion destroyed neighborhoods around the site, and left tens of thousands homeless. TotalFinaElf is accused of negligence in storing dangerous chemicals at the site. The UN special representative, US Admiral Jonathan Howe, returns to the USA Libération 11 Feb 1994. 12 February Short description of suggested web site address below: Following a three-day conference, under the direction of clan leader Imam MaMahammod Imam Omar, the clans to which General Aidid and acting President Ali Mahdi belong, sign a peace accord. Neither General Aidid nor acting President Ali Mahdi attended the conference The New York Times 17 Jan 1994. 18 January Ενυδάτωση, Καθαρισμός, Απολέπιση-Μάσκες, Ενυδάτωση-Λάμψη, Korres, Beauty Masks Au début du XXI e siècle, un regain dintérêt pour le passé impérial du Japon a fait naître de nouvelles interprétations dun groupe qui a reçu à la fois le label de nouvelle droite et celui de nouvelle gauche. Ce groupe souligne que de nombreux actes commis par les forces japonaises, dont lincident de Nankin le terme massacre de Nankin nest jamais utilisé au Japon constituèrent des violations du code militaire japonais. On considère dès lors que si des tribunaux chargés de juger les crimes de guerre avaient été constitués par le gouvernement japonais daprès-guerre, beaucoup de ceux qui avaient été accusés auraient été déclarés coupables et exécutés en conformité avec les dispositions du code militaire japonais. Par conséquent, les faillites morales et légales en question sont imputables aux militaires et au gouvernement japonais qui nont pas remplis les devoirs que la constitution mettait à leur charge. Et Byrd, Gregory Dean, General Ishii Shiro: His Legacy is that of a Genius and Madman, p.? PDF document,
Dans la première partie de cette décennie, lUnion soviétique avait atteint une parité militaire..
Refworld Chronology of Events: December 1992-June 1994 The Washington Post. 14 August 1993. Keith B Richburg. Italy in Rebuke to UN, to Pull Troops Out of Mogadishu; General Refuses to Use Same Means That Guerrillas Use NEXIS.