Ms. Melissa Farley: I appreciate that. Ive heard from many, many of them. So as youre recognizing, the law can do only so much. We do need services. Parmi les services les plus populaires, il y a wi-fi gratuit, salon et service de blanchisserie. In this province today the ones who are on a kiddie stroll cant even be assessed for protection because they dont meet the risk model. I think thats criminal. And thats the situation across Canada, too. Theyre dispensable, disposable children. There are no services and exit routes for young ones in the sex trade. There never have been. There was some hope within British Columbia for a while, but it has definitely vanished. I had my pelvis broken by being raped by corrupt officers on the Boudray case. The two police officers who were bragging about it in North Vancouver were fired from the force. The date rapes continued on the case. I had my leg broken for reporting the corrupt officers who were doing rapes on the case. The police officers on the RCMP case got involved about two years ago with the corrupt officer running the case. Its a corrupt, bogus case. The officers are raping me once or twice a week on the case, sadistically, on top of a broken, infected leg, while I get murdered, and this is considered to be my responsibility because Im a prostitute. Ive dipped into his latest novel, and its very good. He believed the economy was unlikely to fall back into recession The Chair: Im sorry, we have to move on. Thank you. The street sex trade was pushed into this area in the belief that having the strolls in an industrial area with no residents would lessen the outcry from the residents, the complaints heard by city hall, and the pressure on the police department. What was forgotten was the fact the sex trade operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and impacts on business. Businesses are moving out of the district, as they can no longer sustain profitability in an area where customers are afraid to visit and employees are afraid to work. In addition, johns pick up sex workers in the light industrial area, and then drive into residential areas to complete their business. This is resulting in complaints from the residents, including day cares, schools, and parents trying to walk their children to and from school. Another fallout is the condoms and needles littering our streets. It is also important to note that these johns face little, if any, repercussions for their activities. Gender Society December 2014 28: 799-823, first published on August 19, 2014 n.f flea. Loc. Mettre la puce à loreille à to put the bug ones ear; to make Perhaps my colleague, Sergeant Kelly, who works with these issues every day, could expand on this. With regard to the situation with the prostitute, when we phoned it in we told them there was a prostitute and she was doing crack cocaine adjacent to a school. They came within a couple of minutes. We told them children were going to be walking by there any minute, so they did respond rather quickly in that case. one is a distorsion to show reality and the other not The increasing poverty of women, both in Canada and in other countries around the world, presses women into prostitution. We are experiencing trafficking now that is internal. A recent project done by Jacqueline Lynn, whom I know youve heard from today, found that 52 of women on Vancouvers streets are of aboriginal background. Aboriginal people comprise a small percentage of the Canadian population, but the social and economic conditions that weve created now, without decriminalization, have created a disproportionate level of danger for aboriginal women.
The Chair: You have roughly four minutes of your ten-minute presentation. Obviously, as in everything weve heard today, were talking about legislation a lot when legislation is not the only answer to everything. I think we should really put some fist into the legislation with regard to children and youth, and give the police the tools they need. When police say they need us to keep the soliciting law so they can use it to pick up youth on the street because they dont know what their ages are, I think we have to give them a tool that lets them say, If I think you look like you might be underage, Im going to pick you up. I have the right to do that. And then if it turns out youre not, and Ive checked you out, well, then Ill let you go.
brebis n.f. Ewe; female sheep. Variant: Moutonne Mr. Perry Bulwer As an Individual: Thank you for inviting me to attend these very important hearings. Im going to read my presentation so that I make sure I stick within my time limit. We failed to reach consensus on most of the amendments that had been suggested to the working group. As an example, we agreed section 213 wasnt working as intended but didnt agree on the merits of either hybridizing section 213 or removing section 213 from the Criminal Code Mrs. Lynne Kennedy Member, Vancouver Police Board: Good morning, Mr. Chair and committee members. 42 Jésus leur dit: Navez-vous jamais lu dans les Écritures: La pierre quont rejetée ceux qui bâtissaient Est devenue la principale de langle; Cest du Seigneur que cela est venu, Et cest un prodige à nos yeux? Mr. Dennis St. Aubin: If I might suggest, Id like to bring back the idea of looking at projects such as the safe injection site and the heroin trials. You dont have to legalize prostitution per se in order to experiment with ways in which it could be more effectively regulated to everyones benefit. There are alternatives available, I believe. Le dispositif légal exposé ci-dessus étant loin dêtre systématiquement employé, le ministère de la Justice proposa en 2003 de légaliser la prostitution, la transformant en un métier officiel, imposable et disposant dune assurance-maladie ; un débat public fut organisé sur ce thème. La légalisation et la réglementation étaient proposées comme des moyens daugmenter le revenu de lÉtat, de réduire la corruption, et daméliorer la situation des travailleurs du sexe. Cependant, il ne fut pas donné suite à ce projet. Saint n.m saint. Adj. Holy; sacred. Le Vendredi Saint Good Friday. Le Jeudi Saint.